Sharks vs. Trumps: Big Game

Every day, I scour the internet for news about sharks. When I do this, I will inevitably find something that makes my blood boil, but some of it’s led to positive action (I helped start an investigation that I found out later led to the charter boat Phoenix get fined for illegally taking a hammerhead), and I’m proud of that.  When you add the Trumps to the equation, well, things are going to get heated.

Dramatic Re-Enactment

Continue reading “Sharks vs. Trumps: Big Game”


Hi folks, I’m still re-adjusting to non-shark diving life and I’ve got to file my taxes this weekend because I’m starting to get angry letters from the Arizona Department of Revenue, just chiming in to let you know that avast! There be new content ahead!

Over the next week, I’ll be talking about my trip to Fiji, finally doing that review of the Phoenix, AZ food truck “Maine Lobster Lady”, talking about the Trump Administration’s threat to dismantle the “Sea Grant” program, and sorting out that Phoenix Suns/Dolphinaris AZ promotion controversy.

See you soon!

I’m feeling much better now.