Well folks, it’s been over 3 years since I last wrote a post from this blog, and that’s just not acceptable. I’ve ghosted you, and I promise I’ll never do that againl; of course, according to the Qowat Milat, a promise is a prison, so let’s just say I’ll TRY to do better in keeping this thing informed and informal.
Continue reading “Hiatus over! Let the Blogging commence.”
Poem: The Prophecy of Teeth and Blood
“The Prophecy of Teeth and Blood”, my first shark poem, written in 2010 after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. It was performed to great effect* by Team Mesa 2010 at the National Poetry Slam by myself, Brit Shostak (now of Portland, OR), Tristan Marshell, and Lauren Perry.
On this, the seventh anniversary of the disaster, I revisit Gulf of Mexico on that terrible day, through the unblinking, slitted eyes of a bull shark.
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Poem – Whale War III
So I wrote this one awhile back… A variation on the Apocalypse I wrote for an unreleased chapbook I had planned back in 2012 called The 14th Bak’tun, when the height of paranoia surrounding the end of the 13th Bak’tun of the Mayan solar calendar supposedly foretold the world’s end. Here, whales are the cause of humanity’s downfall.