February 19th through the 25th in the Year of Lord 2017 was a busy week on TheKlute.com, with some piping hot commentary and popping fresh poems. In case you missed it, or ICYMI as the kids say, here are the links of the week.

Have you ever wanted to know what a shark thought of the process of courtship and mating? In this marine-science inspired poem, “The Hunt”, now you don’t have to wonder!
If I haven’t made you feel guilty about eating shrimp yes, perhaps this article about how at least one Fry’s Food Store is greenwashing the hell out of their “sustainable shrimp“. Fry’s actually reached out to me on social media, and I’ll be following up with them tomorrow! So we’ll see how that goes!
I did some hard science debunkin’ on how a viral story about how Great White Sharks are swimming in the waters off of St. Louis, MO. No, it’s not possible. I still think a “Jaws” and “Huckleberry Finn” mashup would be killer.
And finally, I put up an old poem, spurred by a new Facebook meme, I riff on the idea of extinction and what might happen in an alternate reality where human and whalekind finally come to blows.
What does the future hold? Gonna get around to the Maine Lobster Lady food truck review, and maybe drop another poem before I head off the South Seas!